Innovative lessons plans and ideas for teaching creative writing as well as samples of student writing resulting from the lessons.
Giving the languages we live with the attention they deserve.
Raising spirits and conjuring magic in the poetry classroom.
A window into The Poetry Studio & the new collection, Another World: Poetry and Art by Young People.
Two high school poetry workshops.
Finding creativity & connecting writing to the natural world.
Making memories vividly present with Mary Kinzie’s “First Passion."
Writing poems about pandemic times.
A lesson plan for collaborative poems inspired by Aracelis Girmay.
A poetry-inspired mural at Lea Elementary in West Philly.
Jayne Cortez's poem "These New York City Pigeons" inspires student poetry.
In this lesson plan, photographs are used to explore point of view in fiction writing.
Tools gathered from even-odd project elevators.
Using Great First Lines from Literature to Invent Your Own Way Forward
Lesson by Sheila Maldonado as told to Azka Anwar.
Using Photographs to Take a Closer Look at Our Parents and Ourselves
Reading lists and resources for teaching LGBTQ+ texts in the classroom.
The names we are given, the names we give ourselves, the names society gives us, are powerful kindling for poetry.
A Lesson Plan for “Dream Poems”
The spider web as a helpful tool to map out personal narrative.
Writing into Autumn
Writing Prompts for National Poetry Month
A Creative Exercise in Seeing, Writing, and Making Spontaneous Broadsides
Poetic Cartographies in the Virtual Classroom