Poems Written During the Pandemic
Teaching writing from a distance in times of isolation and crisis.
At the Beginning of Teachers & Writers Collaborative
Poetry workshop for 3rd and 4th grade students
Writing Letters to Home with Refugee Students
Teaching artists Marsha Gildin and Robin Bady led a workshop at the Selfhelp Innovative Senior Center in Flushing, New York
An anthology of student writing.
An Everyday Mood
Student Writing from P.S. 153
The Zone's Teen Art & Literary Magazine
Student Writing from P.S. 457
Student Writing from P.S. 51
An anthology of student writing.
An Every Day Mood
Students read The BreakBeat Poets Poets Anthology and chose a poem to inspire them to create new work.
Poetry from the Writing from Life Experience Workshop at Morningside Retirement and Health Services.
Students create image-driven poems based on where they are from, who they are, and who they want to become.
Joseph Anthony was a participant in T&W’s visual arts workshop at the SAGE-GRIOT Innovative Senior Center in Brooklyn
The Voices and Poetry of Teen Immigrants
Student writing from Girls Write Now: Two Decades of True Stories from Young Female Voices
by Nathaniel U. (6th grade)
Moonlight Glow to Rainbow Hope
A Collection of Poems by the High School Students of International High School at Union Square