Clear, fun, and engaging “lessons” for writing at home with young people.
Finding Hidden Pictures in the Letters of the Alphabet
Using William Blake's "Tyger" to teach ekphrastic poetry.
Writing lyric list poems and anaphora with the help of Joe Brainard's "I Remember."
Metaphor as a recipe for life
Writing Poems that Blend the Senses
Using a poem by Luo Binwang as a model for writing odes about our favorite animals.
Engaging word play, collage, and the poetry of Edward Lear and Sonia Sanchez to create original poetry.
An activity inspired by the poems of Mary Oliver and Walt Whitman
Explore the musical and rhythmic elements of spoken poetry with Sekou Sundiata’s “Shout Out.”
Celebrate any season by writing original and daring poems inspired by E.E. Cummings and his rambunctious wordplay.
Use family photographs or magazine images to create 3-line Lune poems.
An activity that encourages young writers to explore the five senses, inspired by the Louis Armstrong song.
Delicious Details take center stage in this writing exercise inspired by N. Scott Momaday's "Delight Song of Tsoai-talee."
Tips for leading imaginative writing lessons at home
Teaching imaginative writing at home in a time of social distancing.