Reviving revision through storytelling and poetry.
How do human body systems function to maintain homeostasis?
This lesson engages students with several learning styles, including kinesthetic aural, visual and interpersonal.
A poetry lesson exploring Lorca, Simic, and Apollinaire.
How powerful imagery can (literally) move readers.
Common core lesson plan
Take one thought and open up a child’s world.
Arnold offers ideas for exploring literary point of view through studying the Egyptian pyramids.
Sarah Porter brings sarcasm to sixth-graders
David A. Stoler brings students into the past with a study of “journey poems.”
Concrete images to express abstract concepts.
Needs and tradeoffs.
Samples of student writing from a lesson on Sojourner Truth's "Ain't I A Woman?"
Manifestos and the Argumentative Essay
Here is home.
Susanna Horng offers a fresh way to introduce young writers to the pleasures of revision.
Empathy and the persona poem.
Details and Autobiography
A Versatile Form Encourages Creative Writing Across the Curriculum
Lesson Plan
A lesson plan by Sarah Dohrmann.