Before transitioning to an online publication in 2015, Teachers & Writers Magazine was published in print. Since its first iteration as a newsletter in 1967, the magazine has shared innumerable resources with those teaching the art of creative writing. These print resources are now available at our online archive.
A Brief Study of Students at the Center by Jim Randels and Kalamu ya Salaam
Learning to Live Out Loud by Erica DeCuir and Adrinda Kelly
Illuminations: Great Writers on Writing by George Orwell
Passwords: Teaching Naomi Shihab Nye & Octavio Paz by Amanda Leigh Lichtenstein
Educating the Imagination: Transforming Mind and Habit by Michelle Naka Pierce and Thalia Field
Teachers & Writers Magazine is published by Teachers & Writers Collaborative as a resource for teaching the art of writing to people of all ages. The online magazine presents a wide range of ideas and approaches, as well as lively explorations of T&W’s mission to celebrate the imagination and create greater equity in and through the literary arts.