Innovative lessons plans and ideas for teaching creative writing as well as samples of student writing resulting from the lessons.
Using surrealist and science fiction techniques to liberate the imagination.
Six teachers expand poetry’s horizons with this Korean form.
Using one-sentence poem trickery to inspire student writing.
Accessing memoir through fragments.
Crafting believable stories inspired by real-life experiences.
Creative nonfiction for pre-med students.
Using creative writing to spark language learning.
Creating fantastic setting through mapmaking & sensory description.
The gift of a personalized story.
Writing to describe sense of sight.
Poetry to motivate and inspire students in difficult times.
An extended narrative prompt for creative writing students.
Exercises in humanity.
Introducing the ghazal.
We use a needle and thread to learn to write.
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A conversation with Emily Raboteau.
Writing about world issues using the work of Naomi Shihab Nye.
Teaching Ron Padgett's poem "Nothing in That Drawer."
Poetic form found in recipes & the everyday.
Using metaphor to understand our relationship to language.
Teaching persona poems inspired by Patricia Smith’s Blood Dazzler.
Banned book writing prompts.
Banned book writing prompts.