We dedicate A Fire Breathing Fantasy to our inspiring teachers and nurturing parents. Through them, we have gained the skills to write these poems, stories, and essays, which express our creative spirit through the magic of words.
The students of 3-238, 3-239, 4-206, and 4-207

In Appreciation
I would like to thank Principal Meghan Kelley for inviting me to return for a seventh year to P.S. 153X. She realizes the importance of students achieving solid writing skills, not only to succeed in school but in life. I would also like to thank Assistant Principals Jen Flinn-Knizeski and Gidget Rivera for their support of the writing program.
In the true spirit of Teachers & Writers Collaborative, I would like to thank the four outstanding teachers I worked with this year: Christine Barbara, Daniella Bellizzi, Kathy Hansen, and Latechia Reddick. Excited to see their students exposed to creative writing, they welcomed me into their classrooms. Their passion for sharing ideas with a professional writer led the array of talent expressed in A Fire Breathing Fantasy.
I truly appreciate Daniella Bellizzi for volunteering for the third year to be the writing program’s coordinator and for the time she spent behind the scenes, ironing out details and making sure the program ran smoothly.
We all owe a debt of gratitude to Perlita Wolahan, who wanted to bring a writing program to P.S. 153X and made the original contact with Teachers & Writers Collaborative. As well, she worked hard as the program’s coordinator for four years.
Last but not least, I would like to celebrate the students for their excitement and creative spark, which resulted in this outstanding anthology and led to the rewarding experience shared by everyone involved in this project.
Linda Morel
June 2018
Featured Poems
A Book I’d Like to Be
by Arora (3rd grade)I’d like to be a book,
With leather covers around me.
I’d like to be a book,
Teaching you about everything, you see.
I’d like to be a book,
Traveling from an author’s home to your public library.
I’d like to be a book,
Any kind of book, even one that is scary.
I’d like to be a book,
With everyone reading me.
You’re reading me,
Yes you are.I’d like to be a book,
So I could be funny and happy,
Or sad and blue.
I’d like to be a book,
A fairytale, a princess book would be nice.
I’d like to be a book,
About a princess with powers of snow and ice.
I’d like to be a book,
So we can go out and travel,
And maybe there can be a place called Sleepville.
I’d like to be a book.