Before transitioning to an online publication in 2015, Teachers & Writers Magazine was published in print. Since its first iteration as a newsletter in 1967, the magazine has shared innumerable resources with those teaching the art of creative writing. These print resources are now available at our online archive.
The Music That Is Yourself: An Interview with Victor Hernández Cruz by Urayoán Noel
Start With Rhythm: A New Book Invites Children to Explore the World of Jazz through Poetry and Images by Steven Karl
“The Midnight Rabbit Jumps Through the Sky”: Welcoming Music into Your Poetry Curriculum by Leonore Gordon
Getting the Word Out: The New York Writers Coalition Helps Develop both Voice and Audience for those Who Have Neither by Susan Buttenwieser
Elementary Odes: Singing the Praises of the Ordinary World by Ann Keniston
World Enough and Time: Some Notes on Poetry by Christian McEwen
Teachers & Writers Magazine is published by Teachers & Writers Collaborative as a resource for teaching the art of writing to people of all ages. The online magazine presents a wide range of ideas and approaches, as well as lively explorations of T&W’s mission to celebrate the imagination and create greater equity in and through the literary arts.